
Compliance For Federal Contractors


Stay compliant with Berkshire

Compliance requirements for federal contractors are ever-changing. On January 21, 2025, President Trump revoked EO 11246, which is the order the affirmative action plan (AAP) reporting regulations for race and sex were built upon.   

Though this revocation shifted requirements for federal contractors, it did not remove all compliance obligations. Berkshire can help you understand your obligations, stay compliant, and mitigate your potential legal risk by providing services that will help you better understand your workforce and make educated business decisions.  

These obligations remain in place:

Additional Services

These are additional services that Berkshire can provide federal contractors and all employers which will give you insight into your workforce and areas of potential risk, as well as demonstrate your commitment to non-discriminatory workforce practices:

In a changing compliance landscape, clients rely on Berkshire to provide guidance and services to stay compliant. We can help your team understand and navigate the ever-changing requirements as a trusted ally and partner.  


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