As a company that promotes diversity and equality in the workplace, Berkshire condemns all forms of discrimination and injustice. The events leading up to and following the death of George Floyd have compelled us to speak out -- and to reflect on how Berkshire’s mission connects us with those who are impacted by racial injustices each and every day.
Affirmative action, at its core, is about proactively working toward equity – racial, gender-based, and otherwise – and these policies are based on the fundamental understanding that there are systemic inequities in this country that require institutional intervention. To remain silent when people of color are being actively mistreated and killed, would be to ignore Berkshire’s roots in this meaningful and important space.
At Berkshire, there is no place for racism or actions that promote divisiveness. We will always be committed to helping our clients and communities grow stronger through equity and diversity. Not only is it our mission, but it’s the American imperative.